A question she asked, "What is on your bucket list?"
I couldn't answer this right away.
I continued to explain why I haven't thought about making one. (First off, Kim and I are big, big advocates of planning and goal-setting. Stephen Covey would LOVE us. So this isn't an attack on goal-setting by any means.)
To me, when I look at the life I have lived, twenty three years--I am happy. If I died today, I don't think there is anything that I will look back and think, "I wish I could have done..." Everything in my life up until this point, I don't regret.
Do I have goals? Do I have aspirations? Yes... but to me, it is very easy for me to think, "If God wills it, it will happen. If He doesn't will it, who am I to argue with Him?"
I laughed at her question and my inability to simply answer the question and said, "Do you know what I do think about? I don't think about what I want to do or making bucket lists. I think about planning my funeral. It sounds morbid."
I take a lot of consideration into what I want people to feel, hear, and learn from my life. HAHHAHAHA.Que interesting.
To me, bucket lists are for lives that haven't been lived and this to do list is to make sure that life isn't wasted, or whatever. I don't feel like I've wasted anything. I have no regrets. ;)
Now I must go. Time to see STEVEN!!!!
EDIT | Added to this post on 22 August 2010
I just watched Eat, Pray, Love. And I have to say. It was pret-ty awesome sitting in a movie set in beautiful places and think, "Been there. Been there. Done that." Haha. This is why it is so hard for me to come up with a Bucket List. I have had the blessing and opporutnity to see more than my counterparts. I love it. I relish in the fact that I get to visit Italy and go to Venice for dinner.
A Bucket List implies... a fear for missing out in life. I don't think that I have missed anything. And this life is just temporary. Wait till I get to heaven!! Dance party!!!!
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