I tend to play it safe. Really safe.
Today a friend of mine sent me a video about how we tend to think TOO much outside the box and we don't spend enough time thinking and working inside the box for God. He talked about how he got a home run in a little league game with a bunt. And so the question is, am I satisfied with a bunt??
I struggled with it for the better part of the morning. I see that God can do so much more than I can. (But does that mean that He isn't in the little bunts in our lives? Absolutely not.) So it's been a great morning of back and forth conversations in my head.
The reason I struggle is because I like the idea of going ALL IN .
I think that a lot of Christians play it safe.
I don't want you to think that I am saying that I walk around living recklessly or anything. I don't tempt or test God. However, I do think that there is a saftey net that we set up for ourselves when we walk the tightrope God calls us to walk. I challenge you to GO ALL IN.
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