My version of who
Bianca Juarez is.
Ahhh!! So today, I found Bianca's first week of the Summer Series:
The Scandalous Message of James. And I was so encouarged by what she said and inspired by how she speaks, what she speaks and the Word of God pouring out of her... I went and iStalked her on iTunes.
In my quest, I found something recent she did that was posted on Vertical Video Podcast with Nate Heitzig,
Triune Purity. Ahh!! This is seriously something that I wish I could have heard when I was in high school. And you hear it in her voice, that conviction, that passion, and the truth. I am so inspired by her passion. The urgency in her voice.

Thank you
Bianca for the encouragement, the boldness, and the example of what it means to truly live out the Gospel. For showing me how to walk, talk, preach and teach in the name of
God is doing awesome things for this generation!! I have been watching a change in the wind here in the Church, all of God's Church. I am so excited to be a part of the next generation. And I say it over and over again: I am excited to be allowed to be a part of this story God is writing. I look around at the students I get the privilege to meet, enter their lives... and I freakin' love them! I don't think I tell them enough (or even at all) how excited I am for them and what they are capable of.
So everyone--let's step up, shall we?
EDIT | I am a 20-something

Today I was told that I was young. I mentioned my love and desire for youth and women's ministry and in a roundabout way, I was told, "Hold your horses, you are too young. Wisdom comes with age, and you need some more grey hairs." And went further to say that I need to make more mistakes.
While I find the statement valid, I was still frustrated.
I responded with, "I have a story. And I want to tell it. When the time is right."
I was refuted with a, "Your story has just started!"
I found myself even more frustrated. Frustrated at the fact that this person has never heard my story. Ever. They've gotten glimpses of it, and probably assume they know it, but I haven't shared that much with them yet.
It sounded like at the age of 30... I will be ready for ministry. That's when Jesus started. That is the supposed age of Timothy when Paul told him not to let anyone despise his youth. (I say 'supposed' because I have also heard 17, either way, I don't care, the fact is that he was encouraged.) And on and on I was told that I had to make mistakes, we all make mistakes in our youth. We think we know it all, we think we are mature, we don't see the need for mentors.
(Trust me. I have seen the need and have learned so much from older, wiser, more mature women of Christ.) I am young. Yes. But I still have a story to tell. I think wisdom comes with the exercising of my faith, not with the number of my age.
Thirty. That's six-seven years from now. Do I think I will be used then? Probably. Do I think I can be used now? Definitely. In the course of six to seven years a lot can and will change. But right now, in this moment--my voice, my story, my heart is to serve the military community. How I do it-- I am leaving to God. When I do it--I am leaving to God. The desire of my heart is to serve this community and God's allowed me to do it.
I was still frustrated at the end of the conversation. Even when I agreed completely with the fact that we need those mentors in our lives, we need the seasons where we sit and learn and listen, we need to be still so that God can teach us, so that we can discern what happens next. I agreed with it all, but I was still frustrated.
I did not want to be wrapped up and categorized with his story.
I've been broken down, I've been tested, I've suffered, I've rejoiced, I've learned, I've sat, I've listenend, I've been surrounded by events and people who have interacted with this story God's been writing. I take pride in my standing with Jesus--I am a daughter of God. I am called to be a saint. I am a warrior for God.
"But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light." 1 Peter 2:9
The difference in mentality is that he saw his youth as a weakness, "I am still going to make mistakes."
I see God using me where I am. A 23 year-old Army wife. I am focused on the Gospel and the promises of hope and eternity. I am chosen. I am royal. I am holy... because I am God's. I am called to belong to him. I am called to be a saint. I am young, and I love it.
On my 19th birthday I got to go on a missions trip to Mexico with the church. I wasn't married to DJ yet, but his aunt and uncle were helping lead the trip down. They pulled me aside to tell me how lucky I was to have started that relationship and have that surity in Jesus at such a young age, because they didn't realize they needed him till they were 30.
I embrace my youth.
Even more so... I embrace the time God's given me to know him. To work with him.
I embrace my story.
I am not ashamed.