Monday, April 19, 2010

A Purpose Driven Life

I read The Purpose Driven life back in 2005, when I first acknowledged the need for Jesus in my life. My favorite part of the entire thing was in the end, you got to write a "Life Purpose Statement." You get to 'declare your major' in life. (Haha!) I was going to reread the entire book, but I started flipping through it and decided to just skim through it.

Rick Warren suggests that most people struggle with three basic issues: identity, importance, and impact. Who am I? Do I matter? What is my place in life?

Of the three, I think I've struggled with the third most of all. I am pretty sure I've always had a strong sense of self, I know that my life and what I do is important, to someone, somewhere, but the... impact. The impact is where I always question myself. What is my place in life?

I am dealing with the question now.
I am at a place where I am deciding what to do in the future. Where to finish college, what major, what career to pursue, etc. It's very strange, that there is such a debate going on in my mind.

On the one hand, all I want to do is teach God's word. I want to raise babies and teach God's word to women. How do I do that!? Just do it, right Nike? Haha.

Then there is what I've been trained for, what I've been conditioned for, I need to get a degree in something that will lead to a lucrative career, and I should work, make money and save money, be financially secure, etc.

Is it wrong for me to simply say, "I don't care?"

Matthew 6:33 says, "Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you."

I truly believe that DJ and I can be blessed either way, whether I become a teacher, join the Air Force, just just sit at home--if we seek His will and prioritize His purpose first, we will be blessed. So what do I do? I want to just trust God.

It's just a very entertaining debate between what the world has told me to hold in high regard, and what I feel like the Word of God has told me to hold in high regard.


What are your struggles with what the world has told you to believe?

&& Because a post is always better with something to look at. This is the sky in Germany. I love sights like this because--how can you deny that God exists!? Beautiful.

Pictures like this make really... renew my sense of hope and enjoyment in the security of my future. ;)

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