Sunday, August 29, 2010

Countdown Starts

DJ will be home soon. :) I miss him.


steph said...

Jenn, your relationship with DJ just seems to blossom more & more everyday<3 In spite of the peppered seasons of hardship/distance/missing/arguments, i've been more than blessed with your experiences together as i've read on your blogs :) I've never even met the guy. Just his parents of course. hahahah. anyway, I'm so sad that I wasn't able to see you during your recent visit, but I hope&pray that I'll see you by the end of this year! I feel so privileged to know this amazing, gorgeous, multi-talented extraordinarily awesome believer sister friend of mine that I've known since I used to dance Britney Spears with her at 14. hahahaha! In response to your posted comment on my page, God's been teaching me that trusting Him and really emptying ourselves of that desire for control comes with ease when we realize who we're dealing with. Knowing that God is HUGE and we are mere, small, humble mortals blows my mind that this amazing breather-Creator-of-life actually WANTS to involve Himself in every detail of our life, you know? Because He loves us in ways we can feel, but moreso in ways that we'll never know, comprehend, or understand. Those moments of life where perfection and love almost seem tangible are true gems of God's grace, but I can't even begin to fathom the things He's done behind the scenes to Jeremiah 29:11 us hahaha..anyway, this has grown into an essay rather than a comment..
I leave you with one of the verses that reminded me of the greatness of our Security :)

{psalm 8:3-4}
3 When I consider your heavens,
the work of your fingers,
the moon and the stars,
which you have set in place,

4 what is man that you are mindful of him,
the son of man that you care for him?

but he does. and He wants to. We just have to LET Him.

i love you Jenn! Blessings to you from Socal ;D

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